Don’t Kill the Messenger welcomes super agents and producers, Paula Wagner and Rick Nicita

In a recent episode of Don’t Kill the Messenger, host Kevin Goetz sat down with Hollywood power couple Paula Wagner and Rick Nicita to discuss their impressive careers as agents and producers. With decades of experience in the entertainment industry, Wagner and Nicita offer a unique perspective on the world of talent representation, film production, and the changing landscape of Hollywood.

Wagner has worked in the top ranks of the entertainment industry as a talent agent, studio executive, and producer. She co-founded Cruise/Wagner Productions with Tom Cruise, producing blockbuster hits like the “Mission: Impossible” franchise. Nicita worked as a successful talent agent for 5 decades before turning to production and consultation. He is currently Chairman of the American Cinematheque. Together, Wagner and Nicita offer insight into cultivating some of the most successful careers in Hollywood.

Kevin Goetz on Paula Wagner and Rick Nicita:

Let’s stop for a second and say this — taste, taste and taste, which is, you both have it. And I know it only because I’ve worked with you in different iterations. And your sense of material, your sense of what makes story work, your appreciation of research, quite frankly, and the respect for the audience has always been very impressive to me in what I do.

Early Careers and Transition to Agenting

Both Wagner and Nicita took unconventional paths to become top agents in Hollywood. Wagner started as an actress before transitioning to agenting, while Nicita left law school to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Their paths converged at Creative Artists Agency (CAA), where they became known for their keen eye for talent and ability to nurture long-lasting careers.

Wagner shared a particularly memorable moment from her early days as an agent:

“The first young actor I co-signed was Sean Penn. And then the first actor I signed was an unknown kid named Tom Cruise.”

The Art of Being a Hollywood Agent

Throughout the interview, both Wagner and Nicita emphasized the importance of looking beyond individual deals to focus on building sustainable careers for their clients. Nicita explained:

“Each decision is supposed to not make you rich. Worry about that later. It’s supposed to expand opportunities so that if you do this, you’ll have more opportunities. And if you do the next one, you have even more opportunities.”

Wagner added her perspective on what made her successful as an agent:

“I became the agent I always wanted to have. And I saw myself as an advocate.”

Memorable Career Moments

The couple shared several anecdotes about their involvement in iconic films. Wagner recounted how she helped shape the casting of Rain Man:

I read the script and I got tears. It was just so beautiful. But it didn’t make sense with Dustin’s older brother, because he would’ve known about Dustin if you know the story. So, what made more sense is a younger brother and who better than my young client, Tom Cruise.

Cruise/Wagner Productions and United Artists

Wagner discussed her transition from agent to producer, partnering with Tom Cruise to form Cruise/Wagner Productions. She later took on the challenge of reviving United Artists as CEO, though the timing proved difficult:

It was essentially a startup company that had to be started up and launched within a couple of months. We were in the midst of strikes. A Writer strike and a de facto actor’s strike. And in ‘07, it was called the financial crisis.

The Changing Landscape of Hollywood

Both Wagner and Nicita offered their thoughts on the current state of the entertainment industry and its future. Wagner observed:

I think movies aren’t going away and there’ll be a renaissance for film. I just don’t think that movies are at the center of our culture the way they used to be. It used to be that movies defined culture or reflected culture.

Nicita added:

We’re all going to be fine because human beings want stories told with visual representations if possible. Therefore, there will be a consistent appetite. The technology and the culture will stagger along trying to figure out how to get these stories with visual representations to the audience. But the audience is there.

Broadway and Beyond

Wagner has recently turned her attention to Broadway producing. She shared details about upcoming projects, including a stage adaptation of High Noon:

More than thinking we are doing High Noon for Broadway next year. It’s the playwriting debut of an extraordinary screenwriter, Eric Roth. It really was an allegory for the blacklist. And if you transpose that to our time…Eric has written an extraordinary script.

Paula Wagner and Rick Nicita’s careers offer a unique, insider perspective on the genesis of some of Hollywood’s biggest names. Wagner’s journey from actress to top agent, then to successful film producer and now Broadway impresario, demonstrates her versatility and understanding of the creative process. Nicita’s legacy as a powerhouse agent and his transition to production and consulting highlight his expertise in talent management. Together, their experiences at CAA, Cruise/Wagner Productions, and beyond provide for a fascinating look at how stars become stars.

For the full conversation, check out the podcast episode here. And let us know your thoughts on the episode in the comments!

Don’t Kill the Messenger, hosted by movie and entertainment research expert Kevin Goetz, brings his book Audienceology to life. This bi-monthly podcast takes a peek behind the filmmaking curtain as Kevin talks with famous filmmakers, studio executives, stars, and other creatives about movies, filmmaking, audience test screenings, and much more.

For more information about Paula Wagner:


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For more information about Rick Nicita:


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